Riofavars' vineyard dates back to 1920.
It is a small family owned business, spread over 6 districts, located in the most suitable area.
The family behind Riofavara, is direct and friendly, with passion, dedication, and with many years of experience, Riofavara has produced quality wines that win both national and international awards.
Riofavara produce natural organic wines that bear the name of the area. Riofavara wants to respect nature and not pollute the environment. Production is controlled and certified Bioagricert., which represents the best public accredited certification.

Tenuta Enza La Fauci
Tenuta Enza La Fauci is located right at the entrance to the Strait of Messina in the north of Sicily.
With a mixed clay soil on limestone, Scirocco and Tramontana winds, and abundant winter rains, this area is a "unique" wine region compared to other parts of Sicily that are often characterized by more 'dry outlooks and sunnier'.
All work in the vineyard is done by hand only, except for a small tractor that is used for tillage. The grapes are grown without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. All grown with respect for nature without negative impact on the environment.
At Tenuta Enza La Fauci, four different grape varieties are grown: Nerello Macalese, Nerello Cappuccio, Nocera, Nero D'Avola.

Tenuta La Favola

In the countryside south of Noto, at the southernmost tip of Sicily, there is an area of calcareous soil called Buonivini, which means "good wines". Here, the family has listened to the soil and cultivated it for four generations.
The family cares for biodiversity and uses renewable energy. They are proud to have Italian and Swiss organic certification.
The family believes that agriculture and wine are culture, history, hope and patience - in short - that wine is life.

Ved at respektere traditioner og investere i kvalitet, producerer Vignobles Lamont vine, der udtrykker indbegrebet af deres terroirs i flere godser i Bordeaux-vinmarkerne. Siden 2012 har dette værk af vinstokken og vinen præsenteret i ni appellationer med en bred vifte af røde, hvide og søde hvidvine.
Kvalitet, tradition og deling er vores værdier.
Optaget af at bevare det miljø, vi har arvet, så vi kan give det videre til fremtidige generationer, passer vi vores vinstokke med integrerede dyrkningsmetoder og streng spildevandsrensning.
Vi er involveret i flere miljøcertificeringsprocesser.
Vores indsats er blevet belønnet med HVE niveau 3-certificering (High Environmental Value) for Châteaux L'Enclos, Grand Jour, Hauterive og d'Argan.
Château la Verrerie ligger på grænsen til den regionale naturpark Luberon. Et par kilometer fra Lourmarin, en af de smukkeste landsbyer i Frankrig. Mod nord, Côtes du Rhône vine, herunder Châteauneuf-du-Pape; mod syd, dem i Côtes de Provence. På kanten, dette terroir af Luberon-massivet. En geografisk placering adskilt, der udtrykker vinene på domænet, i rød, hvid og rosé. Så mange årgange, afspejles af vores jord.

Hos Baron Maxime har man den tilgang at man arbejder bedst uden forudfattede ideer. Et åbent sind, lad vores fantasi få frie tøjler, glem reglerne, eklekticisme ... alle metoder og praksis er gode til vores krævende mission - for at maksimere din fornøjelse. Vi har valgt kunsten at blande for at kunne opfylde vores mission. Frankrig er velsignet med et uforlignelig valg og mangfoldighed: regioner, appellationer, terroirs. Som en parfumør eller en stor kok bruger vi kunsten at blande til at skabe unikke blandinger, fantasmagoriske, men med smage, der er ægte!